public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from "Xavier Lacot" with tags framework & appcelerator


Comparing Titanium and PhoneGap

A long blog post by Kevin Whinnery, which explains how Titanium and Phonegap differ


dawsontoth/Appcelerator-Titanium-Redux - GitHub

Titanium Redux is a js library which helps write less code when developing an Appcelerator Titanium-powered mobile application. It adds support for JSS, localization, global includes, default properties, and more.


xavierlacot/joli.js - GitHub

joli.js is an Activerecord-like javascript ORM, particularly suited for being used in the Appcelerator Titanium Mobile framework.

iPad-Controlled Blimp Schmoozes With Partygoers

Un petit dirigeable piloté par un Ipad. Une application faite avec Titanium en 3 semaines de développement.